Your First Crochet Project


Take your first step with this beautiful and fun project.

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If you have already made some attempts with your hooks, you will know how important it is to choose a crochet project properly.

Starting with any pattern is the fastest path to frustration.

Your First Crochet Project is an ebook that will make you feel like you and I are together, crocheting a pattern from start to finish.

Here you will find an action plan where I explain Step by Step, down to the smallest detail, so that nothing can generate doubts for you.

In this ebook, you will find the detailed development of a beautiful crochet pattern called “Little Snail”.

We have selected this pattern because it has particular characteristics that make it ideal for Your First Crochet Project.

Firstly, it is ideal because its level of complexity is low-medium, but at the same time, it involves many techniques and aspects of complex patterns.

So, this project will open the doors to more advanced ones.

Secondly, this is a really CUTE and FUN pattern to make, which you can later give as a Gift or use as decoration.

And if you’re wondering about the materials list and the stitches…

Yes, everything is included in this ebook.

With your access to this ebook, you get a 100% Money Protection Guarantee.

This means that if for some reason you feel that “25 Ways to Decorate Your Garden for Halloween” is not up to what I promised you…

… you have 60 days to ask for a full refund of your money.

And you can keep all the content you downloaded and the knowledge acquired.

Why do I do this?

First of all, because I am not interested in keeping your money if you have not really learned how to crochet.

And secondly, because I only work with happy people that enjoy what they have received.

Remember that it’s not just a simple pattern…

…it’s an Action Plan where we have considered every STEP you need to take and every RESOURCE you will need.

We also included a Frequently Asked Questions section, where we address the doubts that the community shares with us.

This way, we break down any barriers that try to stop you or prevent you from completing your first project.

Important: This ebook is the result of an exhaustive search among thousands of web pages in order to find the most beautiful and best-explained patterns. To see each pattern you will be redirected to the official website of the designer.


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